Score & Requirements You Need to Pass BCBA Exam

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Score & Requirements You Need to Pass BCBA Exam7.22-6

Score And Requirements You Need To Pass BCBA Exam

Welcome to the field of behavioral analysis! BCBA certification is always a challenge every behavioral analyst needs to face. Exam is never the only element of BCBA exam. In fact, there is a strict eligibility requirement for BCBA applications. 

Requirements for BCBA Applications

Before applying, applicants must have achieved a certain level of professionality. Application requirements include degree, behavioral-analytic content, and fieldwork. Below is a table of an overview of eligibility pathways from BCBA Handbook. 

Score & Requirements You Need to Pass BCBA Examimage

Depending on the different degrees applicants have, the contents of the other two aspects are varied. For instance, the fieldwork hours required for each pathway are different. For pathways 1, 2, and 3, the requirement is 2000 hours and for pathway 4, the requirement is 500 hours. The handbook provides further details for different pathways. Have a look:

Fieldwork hours is always seen as the biggest challenge because it takes a long period of time. So, before you start to accumulate fieldwork hours, remember to sign up a BCBA account and set up you profile. This will make sure you have the application criteria up to date since changes might be made by the board during you conducting the fieldwork. It is also important for you to complete a Fieldwork checklist in order to make sure you fieldwork is eligible for application (the checklist can be downloaded from ).

What do you need for BCBA exam?

If you can apply for BCBA exam, Congrats! You have met all applicable eligibility requirements. BCBA examination is the final step to getting a BCBA certification. All you need now is to start your revision. 

Structure of BCBA exam

The exam comprises 185 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices and only 1 correct answer. The exam paper is divided into 9 sections based on different knowledge and skills. Candidates will have 4 hours to complete the exam. Fortunately, BCBA provides candidates with an outline of the exam. And this outline is really helpful for exam preparation. Below is the outline is given by the board from BCBA handbook.

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Furthermore, there is a BCBA task list to introduce the knowledges and skills required for BCBA examination. The task list can be found at

Criteria to Pass BCBA Exam

The score of BCBA exam is modified by the Angoff method to establish the passing score. So far, the highest score you can get is 500, and the pass line is 400. This means you need to get 80% to 85% of questions correct. The pass line may change when there is a significant change in the examination content. 

After you finish the exam, you will be notified of the results as soon as you complete the exam and then the results will appear in your BCBA account within 24 hours. 

If you don’t pass the exam on the first try, don’t worry! You still have another 7 attempts within 2 years. Get more prepared by learning the terms and definitions to fluency, keep practicing questions, and review them every time. Most importantly, do mock exams! The more mock you do, the more confidence you get. If you want to get unlimited resources of BCBA questions and the most comprehensive collections of mock exams, you can visit to get professional help. 

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