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BCBA Practice Mock Exam Questions

Practice Mock Exam – The free BCBA exam practice questions below are based on the real BCBA exam questions. You can practice these questions as many times as you want. If you need to practice more questions, visit our store to get our full BCBA mock exams and BCBA study guides. You can also find us on Facebook and Instagram. 

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Imitation training can be highly effective for clients when it includes a range of:

A new pub nearby caught Joseph's eye because he loves chicken wings. He ordered pepper flavoured wings and ended up getting extremely ill from them. Since then, Joseph gags and starts feeling nauseous whenever the word "pepper" is mentioned. Joseph's behavior when hearing the word "pepper" is best described as:

During Maria's exercise class that day, the participants must do 80 squats and keep doing squats for 5 minutes before class is over. What compound schedule would be used in this example, assuming that ending the exercise class for the day provides negative reinforcement?

Jessica calls her friend and tells her about her hard day at work and how she hadn't had time to rest. She says “my head feels like burning". "My head is burning" is a tact extension of:

During a board exam preparation session, you ask the RBT what term measures whether or not the value of a behavior being recorded represents the true value of the behavior. This best describes:

You are reviewing a graph for self-injurious behaviour and states that the level of the behaviour is high but there is no trend. True or False:

A BCBA stated that this approach has the advantage that if behaviours are very stable, they are unlikely to change and this approach limits some threats to internal validity. The BCBA was talking about:

You and your team conduct experiments to reduce spitting behaviour and implement DRI interventions. A convincing conclusion of the experiment was that only DRI intervention accounted for reduction in spitting and that no other variables were confounding. Based on these findings, we can conclude that the experiment demonstrated strong:

What are the three elements of informed consent?

A BCBA, working with a 10 year old client, is collecting baseline data from at least three non-consecutive trials over the course of a day for a curriculum-based assessment. The client makes an error during the first trial of the math task. What should the BCBA do next?

You are taking over a case that the client has been doing errorless teaching for a while. Your new client is having difficulty with an independent response which he always relies on prompting during the session. You are planning to execute prompt fading procedures on your new client. What is the most appropriate method of fading out prompts:

BCBA working for a B2B firm to improve staff working incentives, she tells the boss to put in an intervention so that one of the staff gets all of their sales reports handed in before the end of the day can go home early. What group contingency is this:

A BCBA is providing supervision to an RBT. BCBAs explained to me that this form of instruction allows practice with a variety of response topographies, helping to ensure the acquisition of desired response forms as well as the generalization of responses in untrained ways. What concept is this:

The principles of ABA are used to teach clients at feeding clinics to eat yogurt. During the process, we teach the client how to eat the yogurt by scooping it into their mouth with a spoon. The client then notices a bowl of cereal on the ledge then begins eating it with the spoon. What concept can explain this behaviour:

John teaches his clients how to shop using a shopping list in a community. He contacted the supermarket to determine the task, and the shop owner was nice enough to allow the client to practice this skill before opening hours, meaning there were no other shoppers around. When no one else is in the supermarket, the client has mastered this skill, but now he or she is having difficulty following the shopping list when other shoppers are around. This is likely due to:

You are working with a client engages in self-injurious behaviours that are reinforced by automatic reinforcement. Resulting in bleeding, the team is searching for an alternative behaviour. Which of the following would be an appropriate alternative behaviour for self-injurious behaviour?

Each Audi employee is graded on five steps of making the perfect SUV based on a pass or fail. In order to be deemed competent at building an SUV, each staff member must pass all five categories. Each area has been operationally defined with an observable and measurable behaviour that would determine success or failure. What type of assessment might this be:

A BCBA is implementing an intervention plan to teach a client to withdraw cash from the bank. The intervention plan requires the client to practice the action in different bank branch locations, facing different account managers, withdrawing different amount of cash, in different time period of the week. In this case, the BCBA is applying what kind of generalization methods?

Tricia likes to drink milk using cups. One day, she touched the cup of very hot milk and got scalded. After that, every time she sees a cup of milk, she steps back and touches the cup with her fingers. For Tricia, a cup of milk is serving as a:

To better implement a self-management intervention, the client must be able to:

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