First Try on BCBA Exam? Don’t Panic! —— Tips Help You to Calm Down8.26 First Try on BCBA Exam — Tips during BCBA Exam

First Try on BCBA Exam? Don’t Panic! —— Tips Help You to Calm Down

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People always feel nervous about exam, especially exams on the first try. BCBA exam is never an easy task, it is normal to feel insecure or panic before first BCBA exam. In this article, we will tell you what will happen before and during BCBA exam and some tips that may help you to calm down and get a better mark.

Disclaimer: Always give priority to instructions given by testing center and BACB. Everything in this article are advices and based on our team’s opinions.


The Day Before Exam

Revising again your weak areas and questions you have the most difficulty with, and also briefly taking a look at other task lists. Then, go to bed early and make sure you have enough energy for tomorrow’s exam. It’s normal to get nervous the night before exam. However, at this moment, you need to shut down your brain and try to get a good sleep.

On the day of the exam, have a good breakfast because you will stay focus for a 4-hour time period, you need to have enough energy. Before you leave home, choose to wear comfortable clothes and shoes because you are going to sitting in a chair for a long time. Some of the testing centers have strong air conditioner, so make sure your clothes can make you comfortable and warm.


When You Arrive at the Testing Center

When you arrive at the test center, you will have a few steps to complete before start the exam. The staff will ask for your identification to confirm your identity. The identification should include one government-issued ID with your picture and another ID with your signature. For instance, you can have your driver license and a credit card with you signature on it. Then the staff will take a picture of you and help you scan your fingerprints. The last thing you need to do is empty your pocket and put all your belongings in a locker.


While Taking the Exam

The test is done on computer, but you can ask for a paper to take notes on it. Your 4-hour exam time start exactly when you sit in front of your computer.

It’s strongly recommended you also write down your answer on the paper during the exam because you can take down notes on which question you are confident enough, which question you are not sure and which question you totally have no idea. You can make a mark on each question. For example, you can give a question mark on question you are not sure, and give a cross on question you have no idea.

Secondly, give yourself a suitable time management. You can spend first 2.5 hours to do the question for the first round. During the first round, leave notes to any question that you are not sure. It’s unnecessary for you to scroll back to question during the first round because there may be 3-5 second lag for computer to switch back to previous question, which is quite time-wasting. After you finish all questions for the first round, the computer system will give you chance to review all questions. That’s the moment you can make changes to any of your answers.

The final tip for the exam is do not leave any question empty. You will not lose extra mark due to incorrect answer, but you will automatically mark as zero for that question if you leave that question empty. Even you have no idea with the question, make a guess because you still have 25% chance to choose the correct choice!


A Short Summary

Believe Yourself! Remember you have qualification to take BCBA exam means you are already professional enough. So remain calm down and never stop revising and preparation. If you wish to know more about exam and try mock exams, you can visit us at: You can do this!

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